We’ve all heard of Chiang Mai’s famous Aquarium known as South-East Asia’s largest living museum. Now at the aquarium you can experience the amazing feeling of feeding a cownose ray. This unique species which mainly inhabits the Atlantic Ocean, is a beautiful and peaceful creature and a must see for any aqua-phile. It’s absolutely fascinating to observe the group of rays gorge on the little pieces of fish and clams fed directly from your palm. For those game to get even closer, the Chiang Mai Aquarium also offers a scuba dive adventure through their underwater world.
Another new addition at the Chiang Mai Aquarium is the walking waterball, a large dome built of thermoplastic which is inflated by an air-pump once you jump in. The best part is testing out your balance by trying to stand in the water! During the hot season, the waterball can get pretty steamy inside, so it’s recommended you undertake this activity early in the morning before exploring the rest of the aquarium.
Entry to the Chiang Mai Aquarium is 180 baht for Thai children, 250 baht for Thai adults, 350 baht for foreign children and 450 baht for foreign adults.
There are three feeding times for the rays: 10.30 a.m. -11.10 a.m.; 1.30 p.m. – 2.10 p.m. and 4 p.m. – 4.45 p.m. The price for one bowl of food is 59 baht.
The walking waterball operates between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the price of 70 baht for 10 minutes.
Call 053 893 111 or 053 893 0137 for further information.