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This month’s football column is dedicated to the new Prem football academy, which, if you are into the beautiful game, sounds very exciting.
The academy starts on the 17th August 2009. They will be using 3 coaches who all have English FA coaching qualifications who will teach all sorts of footy things from date training drills, SAQ (speed, agility, quickness) fitness drills. They will also be using various pieces of equipment, including rings, poles, hurdles, ladders and mannequins for SAQ and for taking free kicks.
Surprisingly – to us – football is more than just running after a ball. Prem informed us that their ‘model’ of training concentrates on achieving success from the elements of ‘technical, physical, social and psychological’. Heavy stuff eh? You’ll also learn how to:
– Be in a better position to enter the arenas of football and adult life.
– Practice the work ethic associated with football and life in general.
– Help a student in their lifestyle choices where necessary.
– Help a student with social interacting where necessary.
You’ll get to watch loads of fancy DVDs, run until your heart is content. Your performance on and off the field will be monitored throughout your time with the academy and they guarantee significant progress if you stick with the programme. They will organise regular matches with teams of similar ages so you won’t get too bogged down with theory and practice.
Coaching sessions take place every day from 3.15 p.m. until 5.15 p.m. and Saturday mornings 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. These sessions are open to everyone and not just to Prem students. They have invited orphans from Agape to join them free of charge.
Also, they are planning to have an elite group who will be entered into tournaments and for whom they will arrange frequent 11 a-side games.
One of the ways that individuals, private companies and organisations can help is by offering sponsorship. Sponsors will have the opportunity to not only help the academy players and events but gives an opportunity to be linked with the renowned and famous Prem Center. For further information contact Alan on
Also contact Alan if you are interested in putting your team into the upcoming 7 a-side tournaments and league. If you are a player wishing to join a team, you may also make enquiries with Alan. There are various age groups and anyone is welcome.
Gymkhana Courts are open to competent singles players every Monday from 4 p.m. to 6: 30 p.m.
Double players are welcome Tues/Wed and Fridays from 4 p.m. to 6: 30 p.m.
Information contact Michael at 087 1887414