Finding an old copy of the Chiang Mai Newsletter (Citylife’s old name!). No ads for Boutique Hotels or Spas. Reminds me of a quieter city when there were never traffic jams if you rode a motorbike! Remember seeing people carrying their songteaw fare in their ear…!
Rufus Nicholson
English, 45,
Teacher trainer
Driving past my old school, The Sacred Heart College, reminds me of the after-school hour when we walked around and ate from food stalls. Also the huge book store right opposite lmperial Maeping hotel [Suriwongs Book Centre], we usually hung out there on weekends.
Suthida Intathep
Thai, 26,
Graphic design student
Old style buildings in Chiang Mai around Wat Gate area, they make me feel nostalgic about old Chiang Mai. My family and I used to live close to the Wat Gate area and all the pictures when I was a kid hanging out there with my family has always come up in my mind every time I drive pass. I like to drive around that area to appreciate old buildings and life style. It is very impressive that Wat Gate area still retains old beautiful architecture and the lifestyle of locals, coffee shops and restaurants.
Kamonchanok Pancatekit,
Thai, 26
Enjoying life for a while
w houses. We had seasons for growing and buffalos ploughed the fields. I rolled cigarettes and walked from Saraphee for three hours to Chiang Mai to sell them. When I needed to cross the Ping River there were boats and no bridges. Though it is better now because we do not have to do as hard work. We were happy living in bamboo houses and now we live in bigger concrete houses but we are still happy.
Somwong Sansuwan
Thai, 76
Getting the bus to a waterfall on Doi Suthep, now there is no waterfall, and buying salapao at Winkul salapao when they were 3 baht and now they are 30 baht.
Thai, 34, Company director
This is what makes me feel nostalgic about Chiang Mai; listening to music by Marnote Pataan. I remember his music playing in Sudsanan. It got me every time and seemed to capture the hearts of the regulars. I always hear it in my head back in England.
Lucy Medwell,
English, 32
Holistic therapist
Buying sticky rice wrapped in a leaf, it was only 2 baht, but now sticky rice is sold in plastic bags at 5 baht. Also there were 3 lines of public buses in town, now the city is overwhelmed with red cars.
Thai, 35
Business owner
I don’t like to look back to the past. I just look forward to the future. These days, I think about the next three years when ASEAN countries will be grouped as a community. I think about positive things.
Viroj Tansukanun
Chinese, 68,
Manager and tailor
The lack of conservation and respect for maintaining cultural rights of residents. There used to be so many cute wooden Lanna buildings here and now many have been destroyed. Chiang Mai is becoming like a suburb of Bangkok, many of the new buildings are so out of place, all concrete and look like they belong in LA or London.
Peter Buckland
55, British,
Company director