Yok Punika, 27
Receptionist and Manager, Thai
People tell me I always gook grumpy, so the most ambitious resolution I made was to smile more and since then a lot more people come up to me and talk to me. I’m much more approachable when I smile.
Lindsey Unger, 19
Student and Citylife Intern, American
My New Year’s resolution and motto has always previously been to keep an open mind. It’s been quite open, I must say (my mouth too), especially considering now my boyfriend says he’ll refuse to kiss me because of the taste for crickets I’ve developed here. Oops!
Wannaporn Phrachonpatchanuk,
49, Business Owner, Thai
I wished I would be healthy all year long without any illness. But it failed since I had to go to the hospital four times because of accidents. However, I created a new friendship instead!
Samuel Thompson, 22
English Teacher Volunteer, British
I planned to stop drinking this year, which went excellently…until I decided I wanted a drink.
Benjamin Sho Chip Khuan, 27
Business Owner, Singaporean
My New Year’s resolution was to take up a challenge for my business: to expand out and reach out to more people so as to give them a better understanding about my products. And I achieved it thanks to the perseverance and support from my loved ones.
Kyle Getz, 32
Citylife Intern, American
This year, I made a resolution to learn to play the two guitars I had owned for years. A few months later, I finally dusted them off… so I could sell them.
Antonia Louise, 18
Student, German
Every year when I was little my New Year’s resolution was to stop sucking my thumb. It never worked out until I finally got braces at age twelve and was forced to stop.
Payu Ampawanan, 24
Singer for StrikeOut, Thai
My resolution has been to make more songs and have shows everywhere in Thailand! It’s coming along!
Juan Barrero, 43
English Teacher, Spanish
My last year’s resolution was to have a career break. I did so and managed to travel and volunteer. I also wanted to marry my longtime girlfriend…still not yet but maybe that’s for 2014.
Nopporn Sawasdee, 27
Student, Thai
I wished I had a good love life but I failed. I hurt someone I love and it’s too late to get everything back together.