01 • Informal Northern Thai Group
10th May: A screening of a documentary on The Secret War in Laos and Twisting Buddhism through the Christian Lexicon: ‘Ordination’ by Louis Gabaude will be shown.
For more information please call 053 117 319 or gabaudel@loxinfo.co.th.
02 • Vocational Certificate @ CMU
Since the spa industry has such a well known role in Southeast Asia, Language Institute, Chiang Mai University will open an English course, to earn a Vocational Certificate. The course is appropriate for masseuse teachers and receptionists., The 1st and the 2nd groups of students start 25th April. You can apply for the 3rd group which will run from 23rd – 6th June. English for Thai massage and English for spa masseuse will be taught on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. English for spa receptionist will be taught on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday. For those interested, please call 053 943 751 – 3. All courses are free.
03 • Help for a Tourism-Linked Children’s Home in Northern Thailand
The US Consulate Community in Chiang Mai recently donated 10 large boxes of much-needed children’s clothes, shoes, books and toys to an organic farm. Not an ‘ordinary’ organic farm, but something rather special – an unusual
charity linked to the city’s tourism industry, called the Children’s Shelter Foundation, about half an hour’s drive from Chiang Mai. Here, in addition to being cared for and sent to school, approximately 50 homeless and orphaned children learn about respect for the environment, sustainable agriculture and eat what they have grow themselves. It also organises 2-5 day school camps which enable privileged children to stay here, study, play and bond with others at the other end of the social scale in an open-air ‘Classroom without Walls’. Other donations of clothes were gratefully received from The Language Corner, The X-Centre, and other individuals in Chiang Mai.
For more information, contact:
Ramlah M Jafri
Project Coordinator – Volunteer
Children’s Shelter Foundation
E-mail: ram.shelterhome@gmail.com
05 • Dog of the month Yanna
Woof! I’m Yanna the bearded lady. Don’t let that put you off because folks tell me I’m adorable as well as gentle and playful. I’m 2 years old, vaccinated, sterilised and ready to go. How can you resist?
Contact the shelter English (084 752 5255) or Thai language (086 913 8701) to make an appointment to meet me. www.carefordogs.org.
06 • English Clinic
Language Institute, Chiang Mai University invites those who want to improve their English skills every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3.30 p.m. to the Self Access Learning Centre (Room 105). For more information, call 053 943 751 or www.li.chiangmai.ac.th. Free!
07 • Nicotine Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous meets twice weekly (Saturdays and Wednesdays) at
1 p.m. at Building II, rear of McCormick Hospital. Nicotine Anonymous is a non profit organisation.
For more information please call Earl 086 194 6300.