Creating a Better Chiang Mai

 |  December 25, 2009

The special initiative from The Thai Health Promotion Foundation in Bangkok ‘Our Better Chiang Mai’, commencing January 1st, aims to improve Chiang Mai and make it an ideal province and an inspirational icon to other provinces. Through the participation of the community, the objective is to reduce garbage in the city by 30% and change residents’ habit of releasing waste into the canal, the moat and other public areas. In addition, it is a goal to heighten the numbers of organic food consumers by increasing the number of organic food restaurants in the city to a total of 99. The mission has already been implemented after a 99 day workshop from October through the end of the year, by raising awareness among businesses and organisations and preparing workshops and brainstorming meetings. During that period, the local media, the local government and the public sector were primed and informed about the needed actions required if the goals are to be met. As of 1st January however, there will be special emphasis on informing and involving the younger generations of residents, though of course all public participation is welcome. Basically there will be a media campaign to ask for your participation, for instance there may be a communal garbage collecting day, or a city cleaning day, etc. According to the organisers, this event will show if the power of the local community, through knowledge, thoughts and actions will triumph over the obstacles our city in crisis faces and as they put it:

“The key to the success of this mission lies in the power of the people of Chiang Mai.”

So to sum it up, the message is that everybody can make Chiang Mai a better place to live, simply by adapting or changing their routines, eating better food and living a more environmental friendly life. Please do write us and share your ideas on how to make Chiang Mai a better city than it already is. Citylife has pledged our support by publicising this project and perhaps even mobilising some man power, so watch out, we will be calling on you! For more information please contact, which, sadly is not in English (any volunteers?), or to suggest any ideas or ask any questions please feel free to contact us at