Jaruwat Kitisith, 30
Bass player and music teacher
a. Hand Massager from Kad Suan Kaew
As a musician, I use my hands a lot and they often feel stiff. I bought this hand massager so that I can do my own massages on my hands. I like its design, with all of the little nubs on it to
massage my hands, as well as its small shape and portability.
Price: 30 baht
b. Handbag by Rubber Killer
This handbag is made out of car tyres. It has been with me for two years. I use it every day. I love to use things until they are broken. I like this because it’s chic, simple and durable.
Price: 1,500 baht
Facebook: rubberkiller
c. Wallet and Belt by The Ring
The brand owner is my friend. These wallets and belts were made out of genuine leather and not coated with colours. So, when time passes, their real colour gets darker. I like them as they look “pure” with natural colour.
Price: 400 baht (wallet),
800 baht (belt)
Facebook: TheRingBikeBag
d. Wooden Picture Frame by Vava Shop
This wooden picture frame is cool. I love its simple, but clever style. It’s fun to display different memories
with it, and it’s just great to decorate
your home or office.
Price: 650 baht
083 946 3406, 081 706 3406