Punpon Farm
In a bid to raise awareness about the large amounts of plastic waste, Punpon farm has taken over an old, covered landfill site to become Pa Bong neighbourhood, a village designed to teach people about waste management, recycling, good food, how to cook and learn about farming techniques. The space is home to the Punpon Farm Restaurant, but is also soon to be open for all sorts of activities and events. Keep an eye open for future developments, or why not pop in to try some of their delicious food while they set it all up. The Thai nachos with nam prik ong and cheese is a perfect hybrid of Thai and Mexico or why not try the Pa Pon rice noodles with spicy pork sauce, fried pork with northern local herbs (Ma Kwen) and the Sri Kham
Chom Phu. For a delightful beverage, why not order a Pa Bong Mojito, filled with traditional herbs and sweet flavours.
Punpon Farm
105, Moo 5, Pa Bong sub-district, Saraphi District
Open daily 10.00am – 05.00pm
Tel. 093 192 4951
Facebook: punponfarm