Oh, Bugger!
I really enjoyed your February editorial (always the first thing I read in Citylife). Re: Chinese Nose Pickers. Since I first came to Chiang Mai in December ‘99, I have noticed the “Thai National Pastime” seems to also be nose picking. I see it by massage ladies, pretty ladies putting on makeup, people preparing food, etc. And also men of course. I’m curious why they do this…something taught to children or a shortage of or too expensive Kleenex tissues?
I do recall when I was in grade school in the USA, an entire family picked and ate buggers [sic]. I think that is why I never dated red head girls (the family was all red heads but all were straight-A students).
Why Don’t We Do It In the Road?
[Re: Editorial, February 2014] I know you have walked, at least once, in Nimmania as you wrote a neat piece about pedestrian obstacles – none of which has been removed. However, clearly walking is not your preferred form of ambulation in these parts. Were it so, you would do just as the Chinese and walk in the middle of the road, because the stench of the drains in this un-sewered area might otherwise have you in a fainting spell.
And who to blame? One could attack the local government with its pretty faced poster boy mayor (latest is that he has a new pic up at Kanchanapisek Park where he has just had the toilets reopened after being shut for his first four years in office). But the problem there is that he was recently elected while gaining less than 50 percent of the vote in an election with record levels of vote buying reported, and what did Chiang Mai citizens do about that? Not a thing, nobody challenged the result in court claiming that there was extensive vote buying by the two leading contenders and asking the court to annul the result and order a new election. So things continue to go from bad to worse, as I am sure your staff have informed you. The promenade along the Ping River has just had its boring wall demolished where taxi drivers pee, only to be replaced by a new one where taxi drivers pee. I suppose the message is that the only place to walk in Chiang Mai is in one of the glitzy new shopping malls, complete with public dunnys.
Arsehats ‘R’ Us
I prefer to walk everywhere, Ricky, and I too, live on Nimman… yet I don’t walk in the middle of the road! Occasionally I may have to briefly step in the road in order to avoid obstacles but I always use pavements wherever possible. Probably because I value my life!
I am utterly shocked about those people taking food from a spirit house [Editorial, February 2014] – did they get charged and fined? How utterly despicable. And re: the not giving a crap – I’m seeing it more and more amongst tourists here in Chiang Mai, especially with regard to being underclad, and drunken behaviour in the streets. And ignoring the signs in the public toilets to not put paper etc. in them. As you rightly say, would they behave like that in their own towns/cities? It’s a real shame that a few behave like complete arsehats because then all tourists end up getting tarred with the same brush…which doesn’t make for a positive experience for anyone. Like you say, we’ve met some absolutely super tourists here, yet it’s the louts who tend to make the biggest and most lasting impression. It must be far worse in the south though!
Nicole le Strange
Model Thailand
This [Undercover Brothers, February 2014] is great to read that the police are actually taking an interest in undocumented people. I applaud Colonel Apichart for what he is doing and hope that the rest of Thailand – and the world! – will take notice and use this as a model. If we cannot all agree that children deserve a childhood then what can we agree on? Really?
Jamie Davis
Clueless About Cyclists
The mayor of Chiang Mai [Back on the Block, February 2014] is completely out of touch with cyclists if he thinks that we don’t have a problem with the traffic. I know at least 20 cyclists who have much to complain about the traffic and its increase in the last few years. Sitting here right now talking to them they don’t know any cyclist in this city that doesn’t have a problem with the traffic. Ask any cycling group or individual here and I’m sure you’ll find the same opinion.
Culinary Satisfaction
Decided to take the wife on a food odyssey following your fine dining writeup [Love Bites, February 2014] and have so far had incredible sashimi at Tengoku de Cuisine, a restaurant I had never heard of before, gave her a romantic night out at Le Coq d’Or and nearly went bankrupt over a memorable meal at Farang Ses. I will have to take my time for the rest as I didn’t know before that Chiang Mai had such fine fine dining venues. Wife is very happy, as am I.
Ed: In the February 2014 Client Spot for David’s Kitchen at 909, an excellent new French and Thai restaurant beside the Ping River off Sanpisuur Road, we accidently listed the closing time as 6 p.m. This is incorrect. The restaurant is open daily from 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. (closed Tuesdays). For more information, please visit www.davidskitchenat909.com
or call 053 110 732.