• Christian Curious
I heard that the church of Thailand is one of the largest owners of property in the north of Thailand. Is this true? If so, what do they own, how did they come about it and what do they do with it. I think that your readers would be interested to know about the good, if any, that they do and their history in Chiang Mai and the north. I am genuinely interested. Though I have my doubts about some of the Christian, or in fact any organised religion, groups’ intent in developing worlds as well as how they spend their money, I am sure that there are many well intentioned people and would sincerely like to hear what they all do.
An atheist
• Sneaky Snakes
I have found two snakes in my house this week. I think they are hiding from the rain. I thought I should warn your readers of that. The rainy season this year has been extraordinary. So, make sure you check your dark places for frightening animals who may be hiding from the floods under your floorboards.
Concerned Chris
• Elections
Can Citylife please keep me posted on what is happening in the elections? I don’t even know which parties are involved. Can foreigners vote? Where do we vote? What about policies? Political ideologies? Conspiracies!! I can’t be bothered reading through pages and pages of the same old stuff in The Nation and Bangkok Post about which politician is stealing money and from where, I just want to know something about the political policy of each party, and maybe read some critical research on each party and its politicians?
B. Bodet
[Ed. I am afraid that we shan’t be covering the coming elections, we feel that daily newspapers are probably a better place to find such information, rather than a monthly lifestyle magazine. Foreigners, as all countries, can not vote. There are great blogs out there as well as online forums if you wish to ask certain questions without reading too many news items.]
• A Poem
In Memory of ‘Lazy Madge’s Stay’
Downtown in Chiang Mai is rife,
Of guests’ bodies lacking life;
And what do our noble polis think,
Whilst washing greasy palms in sink;
No mystery at all, your honour,
An Empress told us not to bother!
• We’re Not Singing Anymore
I see our great football team can’t win a game. Is it true the ‘board’ of big people didn’t like the foreign manager who was in this magazine a few months ago? I heard on the grapevine that the Thai players didn’t like the fact he made them train hard!!! How the hell do they expect to win anything if they don’t train hard? I guess he was right when he said Thai players weren’t that interested in winning, or rather, don’t mind too much when they lose. I suppose in a way its pretty cool they can take loss well and chill with it…very Buddhist, but it’s not so good for hardcore atheist fans like myself. But if they’re ok with losing then it might not be a bad thing ‘cos they can’t win in Chiang Mai! Come on guys, sort your act out…
Barry the Skull