Ground Control to Major Roy
An outstanding biographical note on Major Roy Hudson. Beautifully crafted and conveys the essence of the lovely man whom I first got to know when Features Editor of the Bangkok Post from 1967-69. Roy’s literary contributions and feature articles showed his deep knowledge of, and abiding interest in, his adopted homeland. I salute you, Roy, as the doyen of Thailand’s expatriate community. May you live on for many more years to come. And thank you Pim for your five-star write-up.
John Milne
Roy on the River
Many thanks for your excellent article about my great uncle Roy Hudson. If you ever write about Roy again: check the story about Roy polishing the statue of Queen Victoria in the farang cemetery in CM. Roy may be the proud owner of Thai permanent residence permit no 1. Roy waited until the stupid British general died before he published his critical article about the general who left one third of a UK division on the wrong side of the Sittang River in Burma, when the order was given to blow up the bridge, in WW2. I much enjoyed my brief holiday in CM. I still have the silk bedspread I bought 27 Years ago.
Derek Hudson
Cannes Glory
Great coup James Austin Farrell and a great interview of Joie [Apichatpong Weerasethakul, winner of this year’s Palme d’Or prize at Cannes Film Festival]. I have read a few interviews of him
in the national rags, but you have piqued my interest in him with this piece.
Bradley James
Where art thou Citylife?
Why are Citylife magazines so hard to find? Look what you have made me do. I have had to pay for a subscription, all 650 baht. So you had better keep up the quality so I can enjoy the next twelve issues of Citylife.
Grumpy grandpa in Hang Dong
Age is Just a Number…
Dear Editor
I enjoyed your splendid article celebrating Roy Hudson’s 50 Years in Chiang Mai (Citylife Vol. 19 No. 7 July 2010), but I noticed one significant error. You said (both in the article and in your editorial) that he was in his 90th year. In fact Roy has already celebrated his 90th birthday, so he is now well into his 91st year.
Peter Wingfield-Digby
[Ed. While this manner of counting, whereby upon the completion of its first year a child becomes two years old rather than one, is widely used in Japan, Korea, China and parts of Mongolia, the more universally acknowledged form of counting birthdays is to discount the first year, therefore Major Roy Hudson who was born in November 1919 is 90 years old until November 2010, when he will be 91.]