Your say is an open forum for you the reader to express your opinions. Write to: editor@chiangmaicitylife.com, subject: Your say. Letters can be on any subject and priority will be given to letters under 200 words. Letters may be edited for clarity or conciseness. Name and contact details must be supplied.
• Different Folks, Different Strokes
Congratulations on your Pink Issue (Oct ’09). I suspect, though, that you’ll come into some stick from your homophobic readers. Perhaps this letters will redress the balance? As a heterosexual male, try as I may, I fail to rationalise the attraction between male on male sexual interaction. Yet, an enduring fantasy involves a ‘3 in a bed’ romp as the sole male. Not wanting to be a hypocrite, how can I encourage lesbianism whist abhorring homosexual couplings? I can’t! Incidentally, I doubt that there’s any testosterone pumped male who doesn’t share my fantasy.
I’ve no wish to be – because of my personal orientation – offended by overt displays of homosexual males in public, which is why I wish Lavender Lanna every success. Whilst, were I able to, I wouldn’t be a customer, many of the ‘gay’ community will show their support. Maybe Lavender Lanna’s presence will be feared by the homophobes as an emasculating influence? Being secure in my own preference, I’ve no such worries.
Bang Kwang Bridget
• Calm your Horses
Quite serious issues in your November Guardian Issue. I actually had an issue, (snort snort), with some of the letters written in. Hello! It’s a free magazine guys, calm down with your indignation!!
Sabai Dee Sabai Jai
• Straight Issue
Just thought of an idea for a future Citylife magazine theme. How about a ‘Straight Issue’ written by gays! You could do things like send Brian Baxter undercover to the Foxy Lady, and Ian Fortune could write a piece on how straight monks cope with the dharma!