The Story of Rain Part Two: Till the Last Drop
This month we talk to the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation. In Thailand, rainmaking centres are found nationwide, and this year, having never needed it before, resulted in setting up the first centre in the south. The department’s rainmaking services seem to be ever increasing in demand; a process that was previously only needed in the dry months leading to monsoon season, has now become a year-round effort.
The Swordsmith
I drive around the suburb of Hang Chat in Lampang, stopping every few minutes to ask another person to point me towards the town’s sword maker. Down a rural road, past a Tesco Lotus sign, some noodle shops, and a field of horses, I find a sign that reads “Hit the Knife Group Station.” It is the shop and home of Bunthun Sitthipaisan, one of Thailand’s last and most renowned sword makers.
Contemporary Art Hotspot: Does Chiang Mai Have What it takes?
At its best, contemporary art asks questions, breaks rules, pushes boundaries beyond expectation and challenges us to think and feel, more deeply. For an artist, it means failing often, and being vulnerable. However, the contemporary arts presence can also make or break a city’s relevance to the international art world.
Sisters, Spaces, Spices and All Things Jane Poocharoen
In the autumn of 2013, Wowdow “Jane” Poocharoen’s life was embroidered with misfortune. Her long-term relationship came to an end, the stress from her job was taking its toll, her eyesight suffered from long hours at her computer and the roof on her house had fallen in.
Chiang Mai’s Loudest
In Chiang Mai, where the acoustic guitars are oh-so-delicate and the sweet lullabies of modern pop covers pair perfectly with a steaming, artsy latte, it’s easy to conclude that you’re in a musical fairyland void of anything heavy. But when they get the chance, Chiang Mai’s fledgling scene of metal and hardcore bands turn up loud, and force all virgin ears to run for the hills.
Editorial: September 2015
Thailand used to be notorious, and in many ways still is, for its sabai sabai pace of change, especially when it came to reform and the implementation of government policies, the much needed education reform and now the constitutional reform seem to be moving at a slug’s pace.
Vegan Restaurants
In a land where it’s easy to grow pretty much anything under the sun, Chiang Mai offers a plethora of meat-free dining options. Going the extra mile and finding vegan cuisine can be a little trickier however, so we hit the pavement to bring you a list of seven mouth-watering, vegan-friendly diners and cafes around town.