One new case today

 | Wed 1 Apr 2020 18:46 ICT

CityNews – 1st April 2020, today has seen one more case of coronavirus in Chiang Mai.

To date, a total of 1,771 people across Thailand have been confirmed to have COVID-19, with an extra 120 confirmed cases today.
Chiang Mai’s newest case was initially a 52 year old man who has recently returned from the United Kingdom.
However, the patient is from Chiang Rai, but drove to Chiang Mai to go to hospital when symptoms began. He says that he has not been in contact with anyone else in Chiang Mai though authorities in Chiang Rai are now tracking his contacts there. His case is therefore transferred to Chiang Rai and will not be considered a Chiang Mai case.
As to the newest Chiang Mai case, it is a 26 year old female patient who was living with another known and confirmed patient and was under close monitor already. Her symptoms are mild and she is expected to return home the moment she is no longer contagious.