CityNews – New King Rama X coins have now been announced, entering circulation the same day as the 20, 50 and 100 baht notes bearing the portrait of His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn.
The new coins are to be released at 8.30am on 6th April which is also Chakri Day, which celebrates the dynasty that has reigned Thailand for three centuries.
The Finance Misnster Apisak Tantivorawong said that the coins will slowly replace the old coins within four to five years, however during this time the old King Rama IX coins will still be legal tender.
The new coins will be identical in size and weight to the old coins.
There will be nine coins, 10 baht, 5 baht, 2 baht, 1 baht, 50 satang and 25 satang, along with three more coins (10 satang, 5 satang and 1 satang) that will be limited to official use only.