There won’t be serious flooding in Chiang Mai, says mayor and governor

 | Sat 24 Aug 2024 18:59 ICT

“I am monitoring this situation at all times,” Governor Nirat Pongsitthavorn told Citylife today during an interview in Edinburgh, as he and Citylife’s editor in chief along with a small self-funded delegation arrived for our morning meeting in Edinburgh at the Lord Provost Office.

“I’ve been on zoom constantly and have activated the CMFORCE, a unit set up to face and solve emergencies and crises such as this. We have it all under control and know at any given time how much water we have in all of our dams and reservoirs.”

Both said that while rain is expected to continue unabated over the coming week, many reservoirs are at just over 60% capacity with much room left to fill. Two medium sized reservoirs were filled but have since been emptied out slowly and without any effect.

“We are managing this very closely and should the situation change we have a crisis unit on hand as well as strategies to minimize any damage,” added the mayor.