Update of Official Events Over Songkran

 | Mon 4 Apr 2016 06:46 ICT

CityNews – on April 3, Chiang Mai Governor Pawin Chamniprasart, Chief Executive of Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organisation (PAO), and Tassanai Buranupakorn, Chiang Mai’s Mayor, visited the Lanna Folklore Museum to publicise another plan for Songkran in the 720th year of Chiang Mai.


Activities will begin on April 10 through April 15.

April 10 – Grand Buddhist Ceremony.

April 11 – Lanna dance where 720 women from several districts will join together to dance at Three King Monument.

April 12 – Celebration of King Mengrai with three parades designed by the Fine arts department of CMU.

April 13 – Celebration of the Lanna New Year with a washing of the city’s most revered buddha statue.

April 14 – Final contest of the Lanna man and lady beauty contest and sand pagoda contest.

April 15 – Washing of hands and paying respect to elders by pouring scented water on their hands and a parade from Tha Pae gate attended by the governor and other officials.

Mayor Tassanai also announced his continued effort to keep the Songkran events alcohol free this year.

Vendors around the moat will also be banned from selling alcohol over the three days.