CityNews – The Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, Department of Mental Health under authority of Ministry of Public Health won 1st prize for ‘Improving the Delivery of Public Services’ under the concept of ‘Child First-Work Together (CF-WT)’.
Dr. Samai Sirithongthaworn
Dr. Samai Sirithongthaworn, the director of the Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, told CityNews that, “it was such a great honour for the institute to win the award.”
He added, “I would like to thank to Chiang Mai CityNews for the great story you wrote for us.
“We gave your story to the UNPSA in order so that they might consider our achievements here. And Fortunately, with your assistance, we were the winners.” added Dr. Samai.
The award ceremony will be from 24th – 27th June at Manama city in Bahrain.
The building next door (an extentsion) is the Irrigation Canal Road’s famous Piano Building