CityNews – 16th January 2020, after Varawuth Silapa-acha, Natural Resources and Environment minister ordered local authorities to investigate the popular tourist area of Mon Jam in Mae Rim by helicopter recently, it was found that there have been many businesses encroaching on the reserved areas of national park.
The minister ordered related authorities to set up more billboard signs both in Mon Jam and nearby Pong Yaeng and Mae Raem sub districts in Mae Rim district featuring the reorganisation of the areas (to be completed within three months) and ordered all buildings in reserved areas to be demolished within 60 days.
The latest update is that Mae Rim administrative office has issued an official letter to remind accommodation business operators to terminate their businesses unless they comply to the hotel law B.E. 2547.
Mae Rim administrative authority therefore requests businesses in reserved or restricted areas to stop or end their services within 30 days after this letter was issued. Mae Rim authority would then collect all facts, relevant conditions and guidelines for tackling the problems to report to provincial (Chiang Mai) administrative level. After 30 days, those who still violate the order will be prosecuted by law. Any businesses which are in doubt whether their accommodation business are in restricted areas or not can bring their documents and proof to contact Damrongdhama centre (under Ministry of Interior) in Mae Rim district on week day during office hours.