Pi Tia, the unofficial Chiang Mai University mascot who went missing in early May, causing a massive city-wide search before it was called off when his body was found, has a statute to commemorate his life and how much he meant to Chiang Mai University students, faculty and alum.
The Pi Tia memorial page on Facebook announced the unveiling of Pi Tia’s statue.. “The end of the tearful wait is here. We now feel as though we still have him with us. This statue was made to be a replica of our beloved Pi Tia…”
“It was sculpted because we see value inside PI Tia, not just in his body. When Pi Tia ran up the mountain to give encouragement to our students, we feel as though this is a small gesture that we can do for him…Pi Tia is not in pan anymore…Pi Tia was born to give love to us, so different from the person who harmed him who was born to create bad karma…We love you forever, our little elephant, Jed Yod, small dog with a big heart, Pi Tia, CMU.”
Photos from Pi Tia’s memorial page.