CityNews – At around midnight on Friday, 21st February, a small earthquake was reported in Wang Nua district of Lampang province, which measured at a magnitude of 2.6 on the Richter scale.
Wikipedia’s simple diagram on global warming.
The earthquake was believed to have occurred on the Phayao fault line which hovers between Phayao and Lampang. Previously, a smaller earthquake measuring 2.1 on the Richter scale was reported to have occurred on 5th February in the Jae Hom district.
This year alone, Lampang has already experienced two earthquakes. Thailand is home to thirteen fault lines, which have been found in the past to have unusual movements, which could be a sign of possible increased instances of earthquakes in future.
This seems to coincide with the fact that Southern Thailand is facing more storms than usual, and the Emergency Medical Institute of Thailand (EMIT) along with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) both report that climate change is a growing concern for the country, with higher sea levels and eroding coastlines contributing to more frequent nature-related disasters.