Yi Peng festival 2019 goods sales rules and regs released

 | Fri 25 Oct 2019 13:44 ICT

CityNews – 24th October 2019, although the announcement is mainly addressed to vendors, consumers may also find it interesting and useful to know (that some products can or cannot be sold in certain areas.)

All people who want to sell goods in public areas during Loy Krathong festival (9th – 12th November 2019) have to submit their request for permission on 7th – 8th November 2019 between 9 am to 3 pm at law enforcement division of Chiang Mai municipality.  Some important notes from the municipality include:

No selling of alcoholic drinks, no use of loudspeakers, no selling of firecrackers and fireworks in any forms including flying and smoke lanterns, no use of foam and plastic in selling food and other goods.

Licenses issued by the municipality are for temporary use in specific areas and cannot be used elsewhere. If misconduct is found, the license will be revoked and goods can be confiscated.

Vendors can begin selling from 10th November 2019 onwards.

For more information, please contact: 053-232175-6