
Saturday 22 February 2025
The temperature Now
current weather icon Few Clouds
is 35°C
Updated: 2025-02-22 15:49:04
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Few Clouds
    will be 35°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Few Clouds
    will be 34°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Broken Clouds
    will be 30°C
Chiang Mai
Buddhists in Doi Saket have been upset at the news that the head of a Buddha statue has fallen off. The reclining Buddha from Wat Phra That Doi Saket absorbed water from recent heavy rains, say temple officials, also explaining that the head had only been attached for three days at the time of the break. It is estimated that the repairs will take three months. The reclining Buddha is 59.99 metres

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