
Sunday 22 December 2024
The temperature Now
current weather icon Few Clouds
is 25°C
Updated: 2024-12-22 18:17:01
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Few Clouds
    will be 25°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Scattered Clouds
    will be 24°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Broken Clouds
    will be 22°C
Chiang Mai
Mae Ngad dam, one of the nine largest water reservoirs in Chiang Mai, is now filled to capacity, according to the National Resource management department. The dam is at no risk of bursting, said the spokesperson for the department. However, at 277 million cubic metres of water, the dam is going to have to release 3.90 million cubic metres of water per day, which may cause some overflowing of

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