CityNews: The Phuket News has conducted a poll following a debate over whether people should have the right to choose their identity on their national ID cards, resulting in an overwhelming 80% of poll voters saying ‘yes’ to gender choice on ID cards, but with varying parameters.
“The issue for years has sparked heated debate both inside Thailand and among international rights groups, with much vocal support both for and against the right to choose an “official” gender.
To this, The Phuket News asked in its most recent poll, “Should people who identify themselves as transgenders or transsexuals be allowed to nominate the gender shown on Thai ID cards?”
A total of 28% of respondents to the poll voted, “Yes, but only if they have had gender re-assignment surgery.”
A further 30% of respondents voted, “Yes, regardless of surgery. If they choose to be a man or a woman, that’s their choice.”
A neat 20% responded, “Yes, but their gender at birth must be shown”, but only 17% of all people who took part in the poll voted, “No, only their gender at birth should be shown.”
To read the full article, visit The Phuket News.