Never Again

October 10 - August 16

Never Again: Seize, Trample, Repeat, Change

The 22 May 2014 coup d’état, and the seizure of power that followed, has now reached its fifth anniversary, rendering the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) the second-longest ruling coup body in the history of Thailand.

For half a decade, the coup government cited a myriad of reasons to maintain “peace and order” and facilitated actions reportedly aiming at subduing political turmoil and promoting reconciliation across the board. In practice, the Thai society has seen a state of “total calmness” where the Council uses authority to suppress expression and opinions voiced by dissenters and those with different views.

The coup has left Thailand with a series of enduring impacts, consequences and scars. Without sufficient address to reverse and remedy these effects, as well as an attempt to strive for change, a similar use of power could once again trample the rights and liberties of the people if opportunity arises.

In “Never Again: Seize, Trample, Repeat, Change” exhibition, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) presents items, photos, messages and stories of human rights violations, resistance, civic movement, and proposes a set of recommendations on how to remedy some of the remaining impacts of the 2014 coup.

Every item and story acts as both “evidence” of human rights violations committed by the Council, and “trace” of people’s struggle against illegitimate use of power. We hope that each of them serves to a reminder of all the abuses in the last five years, echoes the resistance to never again repeat the mistake, as well as offers a chance for the nation to together learn and strive for change.

Opening Ceremony on 10 August 2019

16:00 Inauguration speech by the representative of the Embassy of Canada in Thailand and the representative of the United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights (OHCHR)

16:25 Overview of the human rights situation over the past five years and presentation of TLHR’s public recommendations on the management of the NCPO lasting impacts

16:45 Public discussion on the “Never Again Exhibition”

18:15 – 19:15 Art performance by the Lanyim Creative Group

11 – 16 August 2019 Exhibition on display at Chiang Mai University Art and Culture Exhibition Hall (close on Monday)

Event Details

Timing: 9am - 5 pm

CMU art centre
