Celebration of The Senses: A One Day Retreat To Explore Your True Nature at Amaravati Wellness Center
May 29
Celebration of The Senses: A Day to Experience Your True Nature.
With Gabriella Nagy (Shakti Rituals) and Santiago Nieto (Damaru Sound Journeys), in collaboration with Amaravati Wellness Center.
How deeply are we really aware of the presence, importance and qualities of our senses? How often do we acknowledge and appreciate their kindness? How embodied we truly are?
As humans, we have five essential senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. All of them have the primary, yet complex mission of helping us perceive and understand the world around us. Our senses warn us about danger, and give us the ability to recognize value and to skillfully respond to the world around us.
Moreover, through our senses we have the capacity to expand our existence to the next level of evolution, being able to establish a steady, yet beautifully fluid connection with the cosmos and awaken our true nature as an active part of life on earth.
Our senses are magical, mysterious, wise, loving and generous. They guide us every second, nurturing our path to happiness, and if we slow down enough, we may experience the joy and pleasure of living in our beautiful body.
From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 29th, we will enjoy an immersive day of celebration, experiencing our senses through various approaches, and exploring ourselves as nature beings.
During the day, we will have meditation practices, active movement, and listening exercises, exploring our body wisdom and rediscovering the simplicity and joy of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching, and beyond.
The Flow of Our Exploration:
1- Opening Ceremony: Welcoming Our Senses.
Intention and offering for the day.
Intention and offering for the day.
2- The Mandala of Senses.
Motion of Connection and Co-creation.
Motion of Connection and Co-creation.
3- Nurturing Senses.
Entering the Cycle of Appreciation.
Entering the Cycle of Appreciation.
4- The Healing Capacity of Our Voices.
Voice practice through generosity to others.
Voice practice through generosity to others.
Resting Time: Lunch, Swimming Pool, Garden Walk.
5- Grounding Sound Journey.
With singing bowls, percussion, chimes, flutes, and strings.
With singing bowls, percussion, chimes, flutes, and strings.
6- Connective Cacao Ceremony.
The Sense of Trusting Hearts.
The Sense of Trusting Hearts.
7- Ecstatic Cacao Dance.
Connecting, moving, empowering, enjoying, listening, and contemplating.
Connecting, moving, empowering, enjoying, listening, and contemplating.
8- Sharing Circle and Closing Ceremony.
Honoring our practice during the day.
Honoring our practice during the day.
This experience is oriented towards anyone who wants to enjoy the characteristics of the senses and to experience an embodied way of living life.
You are welcome to join, whether you practice yoga, meditation, dance, or are pursuing any artistic endeavour.
No experience is required.
You are welcome to join, whether you practice yoga, meditation, dance, or are pursuing any artistic endeavour.
No experience is required.
The contribution for the day is THB 1700, including all the activities, an inspiring Vegetarian Indian Thali for lunch, a Pad Thai buffet for dinner, Organic Ceremonial Cacao, and the use of the Swimming Pool.
If you bring a friend, a THB 200 discount will be given for each person.
There are limited spots and reservation is required contacting Gabriella Nagy or Santiago Nieto on Facebook, also writing to [email protected] or [email protected].
About the facilitators:
Gabriella Nagy, the creator of Heart Space, founder of Shakti Rituals, Shadow Embodiment and Archetypal Wisdom Dance is also a She-Dance Facilitator, Sound Therapist, and Mentor who has held hundreds of events around the world. She is deeply passionate about her work, and fully devoted to her vision to invite people to reconnect with their true nature and to embody the fullness of their being.
The secret of her unique guidance lies in the skillful integration of various tools and methods, and her authentic, spontaneous and creative personality that invites everyone to feel safe and free. “Her groundedness allows deep transformational work to take place, and her insights create rapid evolution along the way.”
Join Gabriella:
Get in touch: [email protected]
Santiago Nieto dedicates his life to researching sound from different perspectives. His activities include handling individual therapy, coordinating workshops and courses, offering talks, and working on sound educational projects. Furthermore, he has an endless passion for creating music from versatile approaches, performing concerts for tranquility, running Ecstatic Dance events, performing as Dj, and producing contemporary electronic music.
Having received western classical music education at an early age, he received a deep formation and understanding of sound healing at Svaram Sound Experience, a centre for sound research located in Tamil Nadu (India), where he had the opportunity to collaborate and study deeply the vibrational part of Yoga. Currently, he coordinates his platform, Damaru Sound Journeys, where sacred sound forms are melted, and where he collaborates with musicians and therapists.
He believes in the connection between ancestral and contemporary methods, with the mission of being a channel for people to experience a transcendental state through sound. His sound healing vision follows inclusivity, being fed by different traditions around the globe.
Join Santiago Nieto:
Get in touch: [email protected]
Event Details
10am - 6pm
Amaravati Wellness Center