Secret Sunrise – Global dance for Madiba
July 17
MANDELA DAY calls on us all, every day, to make the world a better place. Each year on 18 July (we dance on the 17th July) we look back on what has been done, and forward to what will be done.
Making every day a Mandela Day celebrates Madiba’s life and legacy in a sustainable way that will bring about enduring change.
Every year Secret Sunrise hosts dances across the world to bring awareness to the legacy of Mandela and his causes to rid the world of poverty.
Come join to dance in your African flair to celebrate this day.
This early morning interactive dance session is a fun and energetic celebration that combines dance, exercise, connecting with people, make believe and meditation. All this while honoring the rising of the sun!
Partakers are given wireless headphones to immerse themselves in this free spirited dance class and are then guided by whacky instructors through a unique, themed session.
The movement has taken the world by storm and is now in Asia.
Already happening in South Africa, London, Amsterdam, Ibiza, Mauritius, Sydney, Byron Bay and Bali Secret Sunrise has had its followers smiling and dancing their way into work / their day since the beginning of 2015.
Secret Sunrise is for anyone and everyone – all ages are welcome and no dance skills are needed. Dancers are encouraged to interact and connect with each other as this is an exciting way to connect with like-minded individuals.
Sessions are themed and dress up is encouraged but of course optional. “It’s a great opportunity to let go in a safe space, be ridiculous and have some fun” says Cheryl Hudson, one of Secret Sunrise’s organisers.
Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Time: arrive 07:45am to get your headset. We start at 8am.
Only 25 headsets, so first comes – first gets.
Where: Ancient House Projects
Cost: 100 Baht
Theme: Dance for Madiba (African style)
Wear: African Style or What ever makes you happy – the crazier the better!
Bring: Water bottle
Other: If it is raining, the event will be cancelled.
Event Details
Ancient House Chiang Mai