Maejo Cannbis food showcase

February 20

Maejo Natural Farming R&D Center, Maejo University invites you to ‘Maejo Chuan Yim Chim Gun (Cha)’. This is an event to showcase how parts of cannabis and hemp such as roots, leaves and stems can be used for cooking purposes. Over 40 restaurants will attending this event. FYI, Free tasting throughout the event! The Thai FDA website has approved of all plants used in this event, as all will have less than 1% of THC.

This event will be held on 20th February from 9 am at Maejo Natural Farming R&D Center, Maejo University

GPS: 18.925198725115628, 99.05588014832246

Event Details

Timing: 8.30am

Maejo Natural Farming R&D Center

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