Organic Lychee Pop Up

June 16

It’s that time of year again! If you remember our awesome organic lychee sales last year, you know that they sold fast.

We will have Jackhapat Lychee from Suan Lahu Coffee farm for the wonderful price of 45b a kilo or 3 kilos for 120b!

We love supporting and encouraging local, organic farmers who often don’t have adequate opportunities to sell their products. We don’t take any commission from their sales, we simply want to give them an outlet to reach you all

Please bring your own basket or bag

What should you do with a load of organic lychee?

-Peeled and pitted they freeze well for year round shake/smoothie use
-You can eat them fresh as a healthy snack
-You can add them to fruit salad, fresh greens salad
-Add then to soda water with a lime for refreshment
-Add then to your fav cocktail for a seasonal treat

Lychee are wonderful for your health, check out more info here:

Event Details

Timing: 9.00 am - 12.00 pm

Free Bird Cafe

099 351 4404 Email Facebook