Favorite Plugins & Themes – Meet up
June 29
Join to discuss your favorite plugins and themes together. And help each other find the best plug-ins and themes that will help our website better.
Before joining this event, everyone please preparing their favorite plugins or themes information or grab your computer to the event and view the plugins that use on your website. Anyone who has problems with plugins or themes can ask with friends in this event
If you don’t need help, please come anyway! We want to add your voice, skills, and experience to the conversation 🙂
How to join:
1. RSVP on Meetup. http://meetu.ps/e/GPNyd/sZhwz/f
2. Turn up at ChiangMai&Co, 7:00 PM, on the date
Please ensure you RSVP due to we have a limited seat. In case you couldn’t make it, please cancel to give your seat to others!
Each month we get a sponsor to provide everyone with a free venue. Want to sponsor? Get in touch.
Thank you to ChiangMai&Co for venue sponsor.
Map – https://goo.gl/maps/EuvubUgzG6iz2kdx9
Event Details