Pâté and Breads at Nana Bakery
The reason? What goes perfectly on a crusty and warm baguette? Pate!
“Pate is a classical European spread mixing up ground meat, liver and lard marinated with a variety of herbs and spices,” said Chef Nicolas, Rattikan adding that she has noticed that Thai people are becoming quite enamored of the spread in recent years. “So we would like to present our very own pate to you,” the pair chimed adorably in unison.
Nana Bakery’s pate uses equal amounts of chicken liver and lard, a surprisingly healthy option as it contains no transfat and less fatty acids than butter, adding salt, pepper, garlic and coriander. The mixture is then steamed and simply placed in the fridge to cool.
To serve you will need to slice Nana Bakery’s finest baguette, slather it with pate, perhaps take a bite or two of pickles, et bon apetit!
Nana Bakery 89 Plaza branch
At 89 Plaza, Chiang Mai-Lamphun Road, T. Nong Hoi
Open 7am – 5pm
Tel. 052 010 511