
Wednesday 12 February 2025
The temperature Now
current weather icon Few Clouds
is 33°C
Updated: 2025-02-12 16:41:13
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Few Clouds
    will be 31°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Few Clouds
    will be 26°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Scattered Clouds
    will be 21°C
Chiang Mai
There are still hundreds of waterfalls, thousands of natural attractions and millions of sights yet to be discovered by mass tourism up here in Northern Thailand. And it is the intrepid campers who are discovering these hidden gems and making them famous on social media. This season, it is Mae Tia Waterfall in Ob Luang National Park which is pulling in the crowds and getting all the ins-checked.

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