CityNews – Chiang Mai Governor Prawin Chamniprasart has announced that this year he will be in charge of the “Dont Burn for 60 Days” campaign starting mid-February.
The anti-burning campaign will take place between February 20 to April 20.
Each year Chiang Mai suffers from smoke problems and severe smog as farmers and industrial businesses begin the traditional slash and burn agricultural clearing techniques each year.
Anyone caught burning between these two dates will be arrested and those who are able to identify and inform the authorities about those who burn will receive 5000 baht for each successful arrest made as a result of their report.
People are encouraged to report burning by calling 053 112236 or contacting emergency services by calling 191 for 24 hour support.
In addition, information about the burning and its negative effects, the Royal Project, and forest conservation will be provided to students, farmers and private organisations in an attempt to reduce burning through education too.