Chuenphanee Waddoup
An advisor and sharpshooter for Thai restaurants in the United States and the United Kingdom
Because Thai food is without a doubt one of the more popular cuisines in the world, many Thai chefs and restauranteurs are eager to open Thai restaurants abroad, expecting instant success. “However,” said Chuenphanee Waddoup, an advisor and sharpshooter for Thai restaurants in the United States and the United Kingdom, “the reality is that many restaurants never quite make it and many chefs and restauranteurs fail, or struggle before finding success.” “I realised that there was a need for someone like me who can come in and help set standards, work on consistency and timing, sourcing and prepping produce. Someone who create systems whereby recipes and dishes don’t get lost or change with a new chef or owner. These are things that many people don’t think of and can be the end to any restaurant. Like any business, if you are about to enter it, you must do your homework; study and learn. Never give up, though if you get weary, simply step back and take a breath, then keep going.” After 13 years abroad, she has now returned to Chiang Mai where she offers private cooking courses. For more information: Chuenphanee Waddoup (An advisor and sharpshooter for Thai restaurants in the United States and the United Kingdom) Tel. 087 6929163