Coffogenic Drink
For over 40 years Hillkoff has been one of a major players in Chiang Mai’s coffee industry. With experience and knowledge accross the whole supply chain, Hillkoff is advancing the industry to the next step with the concept, ‘No Burn, Grow Coffee’, to encourage waste reduction throughout the process. From that idea, Hillkoff has initiated research on the coffee pulp in a collaboration between three universities including Chiang Mai University, Maejo University and University of Phayao, sponsored by the National Innovation Agency. This initiative has discovered that the coffee pulp is rich in chlorogenic acid (CGA) which can benefit the cholesterol levels of those with diabetes. With exclusive technique, CGA in Coffogenic is effectively extracted and consumers are ensured of positive results on your health. Not only is this innovation a super food but it also offers alternative income for coffee farmers.
Hillkoff Learning Space 397/2 Mahidol Rd, T. Nong Hoi (next to Amway) Tel. 053 231 1030, 053 213 078 Facebook: ilovehillkoff, Learningspace.Hillkoff