Aloe vera Dishes by Away Chiang Mai Thapae Resort
When challenged by Spoon&Fork’s mystery hat by picking the rather difficult ingredient of aloe vera, Away Chiang Mai Thapae Resort’s Moreganic Restaurant, didn’t only rise to the challenge, they decided to impress us with their overflowing of creativity by coming up with not just one, but TWO dishes! “Our Moreganic Restaurant is vegetarian and has always focused on health,” explained Chef Praiwan Panya of his restaurant which also refrains from serving alcohol. “I immediately thought of the popular Thai desserts on ice when I picked this ingredient because the texture of aloe vera lends itself to the infusion of flavours and it is in itself refreshing and light. And of course, so healthy!”
Chef Praiwan therefore used the healing plant to make both tofu with aloe vera salsa and aloe vera in syrup, one for pre main dish and the other for post. The salsa uses tofu as a main ingredient, mixing it with aloe, sesame oil, beetroot and quinoa, topped with greeneries while the aloe vera in syrup uses a special syrup the chef made himself which balances the slight tart of lemon with sweetness, adding lemongrass for aroma and anchan flowers for colour. Away Chiang Mai Thapae Resort 9 Kotchasarn Road Soi 1, T. Chang Klan Open 11am – 10pm (breakfast starts at 6.30am) Tel. 053 904 974