Royal Cuisine
“My effort has been encouraged in many quarters from the highest in the land to a wide circle of friends both Siamese and foreign. My most humble gratitude is due to His Majesty the King who, on hearing of my intention to publish this book, was so gracious as to offer quite voluntarily to take photographs of the dishes for illustration. His Majesty, in fact, spent in the middle of a hot sultry afternoon no less than one whole hour to take several photographs, three of which he has given permission to reproduce in the book, including the one on the front cover which he selected.” Every Day Siamese Dishes by Mom Chao Sibpan Sonakul, published in 1939 referring to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Mom Chao was also famed for her baking skills, eventually publishing numerous books sharing western baking recipes with the public. She shared all of her skills and recipes with the public and had a hand in spreading the love of baking throughout Thailand. Her sponge cake recipe, in particular, printed in a book about desserts to go with tea and special cakes and breads, was renowned.
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“Each baker has their own special recipe for a perfect sponge cake, but whatever it is the secret to a perfect sponge cake is that it has to be soft and not too dry nor sticky to the touch. A favourite way to eat sponge cake is to cut it and layer it with jam, cream or fruits. At Dhara Dhevi’s cake shop, the sponge cake is served with fruits, cream and jam and customers can also order specially decorated cakes for important occasions (7 days’ notice).” Executive Pastry Chef of Dhara Dhevi Hotel, Chef Rattapong Singkhut. (Tel. 053 888 888)