Classic Icy Thai Desserts at Just Sweet Enough
Thai desserts have tended to be overshadowed by the fame of their savoury sister, for various reasons. But if you wish to explore the world of Thai sweets, then you may be pleasantly surprised to find a very varied, sophisticated and ancient tradition with a great amount of regional diversity which make for quite an interesting culinary journey of exploration. Begin your journey at Just Sweet Enough, a little Thai desserts shop near the Railway Station where you can dig into an assortment of refreshing desserts served on shaved ice or coconut milk, just what the doctor ordered in this heat. The plango fruit is just one of the many ingredients to be found served floating on shaved ice and syrup. All manner of exotic fruits and roots ranging from salak to toddy palm can be found served up with syrup or coconut milk and if you aren’t sure what to order, they have made it easy for you so you can choose up to five ingredients to put in your bowl, mixing and matching as you please. There are many other Thai desserts available including sweet rice dumpling in coconut cream syrup, sweet dark sticky rice with longan and coconut cream and more. So if you are reading this and realise that you don’t know much about Thai desserts, then head on over and get some sweet treats. Just Sweet Enough 215 Charoen Muang Road, Wat Gate (next to the Bangkok Bank, near railway station) Open 6.30 – 11pm (closed on Wednesdays) Tel. 099 263 6654 Facebook : หวานพอดี